About Us

We are Kristelle and Ryan Wachs, a husband and wife duo who share a deep passion for animals. Growing up, animals were an integral part of our lives, shaping our connection to the natural world and fostering a love and respect for all creatures, great and small. Ryan's affinity for animals, particularly beagles, began with his pet beagle (Shep), who quickly became his cherished companion. Their loyalty, intelligence, and playful nature captivated him, making beagles his favourite breed.

Meanwhile, Kristelle's upbringing revolved around working breeds like German Shepherds, Border Collies, and Rottweilers. These remarkable dogs showcased their impressive skills and unwavering dedication, leaving a lasting impression on Kristelle.

Our journey together started with a remarkable Kelpie (Loki), a breed known for its remarkable agility and herding instincts. However, it wasn't long before Kristelle couldn't resist fulfilling Ryan's dream of having another beagle since the passing of his childhood companion.

Our first beagle (Thor) was acquired from a backyard breeder, which in return ended up with many vet visits and one very sick pup. Shortly after joining the Beagle Club of Queensland, we truly discovered the incredible qualities of the breed and the need for breeding to benefit the breed, the importance of health testing and buying from a reputable breeder.

Our second beagle (Scarlet) joined our family, and we soon found ourselves delving into the exciting world of dog shows, where we proudly showcased our beagles' unique traits and abilities.

Our shared passion for beagles and our secondhand experience with responsible breeding led us to a heartfelt decision. We wanted to contribute to the preservation and betterment of this amazing breed. With thorough research, dedication, and the guidance of experienced mentors, we embarked on the journey of responsible breeding.

This website serves as a platform to share our story, knowledge, and experiences. We aim to provide valuable information about beagles, responsible breeding practices, and the joys and challenges of raising these remarkable dogs. Whether you're a fellow beagle enthusiast, a prospective owner, or simply an animal lover, we invite you to join us on this fulfilling journey.

Thank you for visiting Szkarlat Beagles, and we hope that through our shared passion, we can inspire and educate others about the extraordinary world of beagles and responsible pet ownership.